Tainted (Oh Captain, My Captain #7) Read online

Page 7

  “Jade’s moving in. She just…” I take a moment to think of how I want to say this. “She was born with her life in a bad place, and I’m helping her get out of it. She’s going to keep this place clean in exchange for rent and food because she wants to earn her stay.”

  “All right, I know this is your place, but I pay rent here, too. My concern is: do you trust her? I mean, we do have valuables here, man.”

  “Yeah, I trust her. I don’t see any red flags about this,” I assure him.

  “Then I’m cool. You’re a good judge of character and if you trust her, then I do, too. It’s not like a maid wouldn’t be a good thing with your sloppy ass anyway.” Gus seems to think about it because he suddenly asks, “But why does she need help? It isn’t anything illegal, right?”

  “No, nothing illegal.” He’s going to need more information, and I have to tell him. “This is where your discretion comes in. The only reason I’m telling you is because you do live here. She’s a stripper and she needs to get out of the world she’s in. The only other person she has is in a worse place with bigger troubles than that, the kind of trouble we definitely do not want. All Jade needs is a way out, so she can find a way to really support herself.”

  “Okay, I’m going to retract my last comment about you being a good judge of character for a moment. You’re letting a stripper live here to be the maid to help her, correct? But there’s trouble. Could this trouble affect us? Because I’m not looking to be kicked off the Eagles or out of the league, and I’m sure you aren’t either.”

  “Jade has kept herself out of trouble. Let me correct myself. Jade doesn’t do anything to get into trouble. The other person she has in her life does, but Jade doesn’t get involved with that. I don’t think it will follow her here.” God, I hope not.

  Gus leans back into the couch and is quiet at first. “You’re always honest with me, Valo, and you’re a good guy, so I’m okay with this as long as it doesn’t get us in trouble. I’m just being honest with you.”

  “Jade won’t cause trouble, I promise.”

  “Then I’m cool.”


  He unmutes the TV, and it feels as if a weight is lifted off my chest. No issues with Gus. This can work and Jade can have the time and resources to do whatever she wants with her life.

  After a while, Jade hasn’t come to get me yet, so I decide to check on her.

  I hear her moving around in the bathroom still, so I grab a pair of pajama pants from my dresser and change into them. I’ve just tossed my clothes into the hamper when the bathroom door opens. I glance over my shoulder, but then slowly turn to face her. She’s trying to kill me already. Jade is standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but an old hockey t-shirt from my early years before I made it to the NHL.

  My gaze slowly travels over her from head to toe. When I make it back to her eyes, I don’t see purple. Beautiful blue-green eyes are staring back at me. Those eyes are a wide-open view into Jade, who is currently ogling me as much as I am her. My mouth parts, but I still can’t think of a single word to say. She’s too gorgeous.

  “I, uh–” Her eyes snap to mine and I think a little clearer. “How was your shower?”

  “Hot. I may have used all the hot water, but glitter is a bitch to get off.”

  I chuckle. “Are you ready to lay down then?”

  She nods, but stares at the bed, looking nervous. “Sure.”

  I walk to other side of the bed, hoping I’m simply misreading her. I already told her this isn’t about sex and I’m not sleeping with her tonight, no matter how hot she looks, so she shouldn’t be worried about that. “Help me pull the covers back.” She does. Once we’re done, she still looks unsure, making no move to get in the bed. “Everything okay, Jade?”

  “You have a bed.” She points at it.

  “Yes, I do,” I say, unsure of where she’s going with this.

  “I haven’t slept in a bed since I was sixteen, and even then, I didn’t sleep because…well, that’s another story. I kinda have a thing weird things about beds, but I’m sure you caught on to that when we talked about my fantasy,” she rambles.

  “You haven’t slept in a bed in five years?” Wow. I can’t imagine.

  “Well, I never had a bed when I was with Mom. She had one, but no one slept in it because she only used it for sex for her johns. When I went in and out of foster care, there were a couple times I had a bed, but I don’t want to remember those. Normally, I slept on a floor, chair, or couch. At my place, I sleep on the couch.” Jade pauses, realizing how much she just told me. “I didn’t realize how crazy that sounds when I say it out loud.” She forces a laugh.

  “It’s not crazy, Jade.” It takes a second for me to realize how to make her comfortable here. “Get in the bed.”

  She doesn’t right away. Instead, she cautiously touches the bedding, looking almost scared, but then she sits down, pulling the covers over her legs.

  “Lay down, get comfortable, and bring the covers up to your nose.”

  “Okay, but if this is some trick to get laid, you’re wasting your time. I’m a sure thing if you didn’t know by now.”

  I shake my head and chuckle. “Close your eyes and take a deep breath until you feel like you’re completely relaxed.” I wait until she does. With a soft tone, I say, “This bed, the scent in the sheets, the warmth and ease you feel is safety. This house is a safe, worry-free place. This is a quiet place away from all the bad, and it’s yours as long as you want it.” Jade seems to relax more because her face looks peaceful. “Feel better?”

  “I was actually wondering if you ever thought about doing one of those meditation CDs. That sexy Finnish accent is quite soothing,” she giggles.

  I laugh and finally get into the bed. “I’ll think about it.” Just then, Honeybun jumps onto her side. “C’mere, Jade. You’re in her spot. We don’t want Honeybun cranky.” I pull her closer and wrap my arms around her, thankful for a good reason to hold her.

  Chapter Nine


  What the fuck am I doing?

  I finish making the bed and stare at it. I fell asleep in Valo’s arms and this morning, I woke up in the same position. I slept all night long. I’m twenty-one years old and I don’t think I ever slept through a whole night. I’ve never felt this rested.

  Valo is off at practice and I need to get my clothes. I don’t care about the stuff in the apartment. It can go to the next person or whatever squatter will take residence. Valo left his truck, but I’m not taking it. I dump my purse and I have enough to get there and about halfway back. I can walk three miles. I’ve done it before. I pick up some of the trash in the living room and head out.

  Greenwood is hopping and everyone seems to be out.

  “Baby Jade.”

  I groan seeing Rick on the corner watching over his girls.

  “When’s your mama coming back?”

  “According to the judge, two years. She failed her surprise drug test, violated her parole, and, oh right, got picked up by an undercover cop for hooking. The legal system frowns upon those types of things.”

  Rick walks right up to me, and his expression changes. “She owes me money.”

  “Take it up with her.” I try to walk around him.

  “She owes me money,” he repeats.

  “Not. My. Problem,” I sneer each word at him.

  “It is your problem.”

  “Are you threatening me? Because you’re fucking with the wrong girl. I will cut off your balls and mount them to the wall. I’m not scared of you like your girls are.” That’s not completely true, but I can’t back down now.

  Rick bursts into a deep laughter. “I’m just fucking with you, Baby Jade. You know I would love for you to join my payroll.”

  I relax a little bit, but I know something’s up. It doesn’t feel right. “I’m happy with Big Mike. I got to get going.” I rush past him and into my apartment. I toss the clothes into my bag and grab my toothbrush and shampoo.

  That’s it.

  That’s my whole life.

  I walk to Big Mike’s. I know he’s there for the deliveries. I go in and tell him that tonight would be my last night because I have another job. Of course he’s concerned I’m hitting the streets, but I tell him it’s a real job.

  “When do you start?”

  “I already have.” That’s not a lie. I cleaned up before I left, so technically I was working.

  He gets up and goes to his bank bag. He comes back and hands me a fifty. “Here, take this and go on and get out of here.”

  “Mike, I can’t–”

  “If you can get out of this place, then run and don’t look back. Consider it a gift.” He kisses my cheek.

  “You’re a big ass teddy bear, Big Mike.” I smile at him.

  “If you tell anyone, I’ll deny it. Now, go.”

  For the first time, I listen to him and head out and don’t look back.

  Once I’m out of Greenwood, I get off the bus and go to the closest Goodwill. I should splurge on myself because something good is happening to me and I’m not lying about it.

  I flip through the rack and find a pair of jeans that will fit and even a nice, purple, cap sleeve blouse. It’s only eight dollars for both of them. I smile as I walk down the street to a small taco stand. I grab a one and a small drink. I sit on a bench and watch people going to and fro, while I feel relaxed for the first time.

  Is this what it’s like for normal people? No wonder they smile a lot. When I finish everything up, I head to the bus stop. Since I have the money from Big Mike, I won’t need to walk.

  When I get home…wait…Valo’s house. That felt strange. I walk in and Honeybun greets me. I think we’re going to be best friends. I pet her head and then drop my items off in the bedroom. I know Valo said I could have the spare room, but why? I like sleeping with him.

  Okay, it’s only happened once, and we actually slept, which is the craziest thing I’ve ever done, and that’s saying something. I jog back down and head to the kitchen. I quickly wash my hands and raid the fridge. If I’m the maid, that means I’m the cook. Since I don’t see Ramen soup or spam, I’ll need to cook real food.

  I stayed at one foster home when I was eleven and the mom there liked to cook, so I can do a few things. I’m no chef, but let’s see if I can’t burn it. I grab a few chicken breasts and veggies and head over to the stove.

  How the fuck does this work? There’s more buttons and knobs than on a plane. I stare and study if for a moment and finally, I have a flame. I start the meal.

  Soon after I finish the food, the guys come in.

  “Hey, guys. Are you hungry?” I sit the plates on the bar for them.

  “Gus is always hungry. Thanks, Jade.”

  “You’re welcome. I wasn’t sure what time you were going to be here, but it’s still hot. How was practice and your workout?”

  “Good. Did everything go okay for you today?”

  “Took care of it all. I’m now employed at Gus, Valo, and Honeybun, LLC.” I giggle at the title.

  “That sounds like a bad law firm.” Gus finally stops eating for a moment.

  “Only because your name is in it. Valo and Honeybun, LLC flows better and sounds more reputable, I think.”

  “Yeah, because of Honeybun, Finny.” I shake my head at his silliness and put a few more items on their plates. “Stop looking at me like that. I already ate.” I cut a mean look at Valo. I know what the look is because he’s concerned.

  “And it was the same thing we’re eating? Not an apple and a banana?”

  “No, ass. I treated myself to a taco today on my way back through town. So, I ate that.” I stick my tongue out at him as if I’m a small child.

  Valo shakes his head with a smile. “Grab a fork and help me eat this anyway. That taco probably stuffed you, but I’m sure you can find more room.”

  “No. Gus can help you. I need to start some laundry. Do you have a game tonight?”

  “Nope. I’m all yours.”

  “Sweet. What about you, Gus? Big plans tonight?”

  “Yes. My Xbox One and I have a date with Call of Duty. She’s the only woman that gets me.”

  Gus playing video games. I can see that. “For some reason, I understand that statement.”

  As the boys finish eating lunch and relaxing, I shuffle through the house and do laundry, pick up the kitchen, clean all the dishes, and feed Honeybun. I don’t even realize how fast the time sped by. I head upstairs when I notice Valo isn’t in the living room anymore.

  “So, what do you have planned for us this evening?” I sit on the bed. “If it’s sex, I’m overdressed.” I love the look on his face as I bluntly throw out the topic of sex.

  “We’re turning on Friends and hanging out right here. That’s it.”

  “Wait? Really?” My interest is piqued as his plans process through my head.

  “Really. Simple and nice night.”

  I kiss him. “This had been a perfect day. I don’t think I’ve ever had a day like this before.”

  “Well, get used to it, Jade. You’re going to have a lot more like it.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  We start at the beginning of Friends and I can’t stop laughing at the site of Rachel Green in a wedding dress. We watch a couple episodes and then we both change and I wear the same thing as I did last night, just a t-shirt. I’m hoping it works tonight. I’m horny as fuck and I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out.

  I get under the covers of the softest bed that exists on the planet and snuggle down into it.

  “Are you asleep?” Valo comes in and I look up at him.

  He has to have the hottest body of any hockey player. He’s wearing a pair of boxers, but his hard chest catches my eyes. He’s cut and his abs are strong. His arms are big, and even though they look hard, they’re comforting.

  Fuck, I need him.

  “No, I’m wide awake.” I push the covers away and get up on my knees. “I’m very, very much awake.”

  “Are you?” Valo looks me up and down. He wants this as much as I do. He can pretend all he wants, but he’s a guy, and I can see it in his eyes.

  “Yes.” I grab the bottom of my shirt and take it off.

  Valo groans and looks down.

  “Tell me you don’t want it. I’ll put the shirt back on, and we can go back to watching TV.” I wait for a moment, but he says nothing.

  I walk on my knees to him and pull at the top of his boxers. I slide my hand in and begin to stroke his semi-hard penis. It doesn’t take long before he has a fully hard erection in my hand. Valo groans, but grabs my wrist.

  “I’m not just going to fuck you.”

  “Okay, do you want me to blow you or‒”

  “Stop.” He softly covers my mouth with his hand. “I’m not some guy you met five minutes ago, and you’re not some stripper. Stop acting like I’m ordering something off a menu. I’m yours and you’re mine. I’m going to treat you the way you should be treated. Okay?”

  If this was any other guy, I would have kicked him square in the nuts and ran away, but the intensity in Valos’ blue eyes is turning me on.

  I nod and he drops his hand.

  “Lie back,” he commands me softly and I do.

  Valo removes his boxers and I see him fully. My body shakes and I’m ready for him. He starts kissing me. His lips are soft and he puts a lot of emotion into the way his tongue plays inside my mouth. Normally, I’m not that big into kissing. It’s the forceful sex I want, but Valo…he’s different. His lips are turning me on as much as his hard dick poking my thigh is.

  Valo’s fingers begin to pull at my nipples, and I have to pull away from his lips. I moan and Valo kisses my neck and licks me lower until he reaches my other breast. He nips at me and I feel my insides quiver.

  What the fuck is that? That doesn’t happen to me.

  He continues to work me and I think I am on the verge of losing it at his sucking on my nipples, but he leaves
them and kisses down my stomach and then each of my thighs.


  I hate when guys go down there. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing. I swear I need to get a tattoo that says: push here, lick there, suck this, and thrust in. Then again, that probably wouldn’t work either.

  I get ready to do my pretend orgasm and I feel a little bad because Valo has been doing so well. Maybe I could convince him to skip this part and fuck me. I’m about to open my mouth when I feel his tongue lick me.

  I stop and my mouth drops when he slides in two fingers and begins to thrust into me. I moan and it isn’t fake as he sucks me. He softly bites and I arch my back trying to get closer to his mouth.

  Holy shit. He has me so close. Already? Is that possible?

  Yes, it is, is my last thought as he sucks me hard and I grab his hair, rocking my hips harder.

  “Valo,” I pant his name as relief fills me as the orgasmic wave rushes over me. When I release his hair, he kisses each of my thighs and all the way up to my lips. I grab his neck and kiss him harder, tasting myself on his lips.

  “I’m not done with you.”

  “I hope not.” I can hardly breathe.

  Valo rolls over to his nightstand and grabs a condom. I take it from his hand and put in on myself. He watches my hands as I make sure that it’s secure. Valo flips me on my back again and thrusts in.

  “Yes!” I yell out as he fills me up. He rocks back out and pushes in. Each movement gives me a different sensation of pleasure.

  He whispers something in my ear. I don’t fucking care what he said, but it was sexy, and I want more of him. I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him closer to me. He is the first guy who isn’t slamming into me each time. It’s a smooth, persistent penetration and I don’t think I’ve ever felt this before. I know I hadn’t because I’m ready to find my second release.

  Valo is still whispering in my ear and I’m still moaning his name until my body can’t take it anymore, and I find what I’d been craving.

  It isn’t the sex.

  It’s Valo.

  His blue eyes are staring at me and I can see all the ecstasy in them.

  Holy shit. What just happened?